
Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with 'T'


Starting With "Ta"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Tha(12)   Tam(8)   Tah(7)   Tal(6)   Tay(5)   

TabanResplendent, Glittering. 5
TabishHeat, Brilliancy. 5
TahaName of a Surah in the Quran. 5
TahawwurRashness. 5
TaheemPure. 5
TahirPure, clean, chaste, modest 5
TahoorPurity. 5
TahseenAcclaim, appreciation. 5
TahsinBeautification 5
Taim Allah, Taym AllahServant of God 5
TaimurIron. 5
TajCrown 5
Taj al DinCrown of the faith 5
TajammalBeautiful. 5
TajammulDignity, Magnificence, Pomp. 5
TajudinnCrown of religion. 5
TalalNice, admirable 5
TalatCountenance. 5
TalhaA name of Tree. 5
TalhahKind of tree. 5
TaliRising, Ascending, Going up. 5
TalibSeeker (of truth) 5
TamamGenerous 5
TamannaWish, Desire. 5
TameemPerfect, complete. 5


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