
Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with 'B'


Starting With "Ba"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Bas(12)   Bad(5)   Bar(5)   Bah(4)   Bak(3)   

BaahirDazzling, Brilliant 5
BaasimSmiling 5
BabarOrigin: Hindi. Literal Meaning: Lion. Contextual meaning: King of Jungle; Lion hearted, brave, courageous and exemplary leadership qualities. Highly, powerful and influential, very charsimatic and bol 5
BaberCourageous, Lion. 5
BadiMarvelous 5
Badi al ZamanThe marvel of time 5
BadrFull moon 5
Badr al DinFull moon of the faith 5
BadriOne who took part in the battle of Badr 5
Baha al Din, Bahiyy al DinMagnificence of the faith 5
Baha, BahaBeautiful, magnificent 5
BahijCheerful 5
BahirDazzling, brilliant 5
BakeelGood-looking,Elegant,Arabic Name 5
BakrOld Arabic name 5
BakriOne who starts work early 5
BalighEloquent 5
BandarSeaport, district capital 5
BaqirBeloved one, Close to heart. 5
BarakahBlessing 5
BarirFaithful 5
BarkatGrowth 5
BarrJust, Pious. 5
BarraqShining. 5
BaselBrave 5


Indian Celebrities Name Starting with B