
Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with 'I'


Starting With "Ib"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Ima(5)   Iya(4)   Ish(3)   Ism(3)   Ina(3)   

IbrahimFather of a multitude; a Prophets name (Abraham) 5
IdFeast, festival 5
IdrisA Prophets name 5
IhabLeather. 5
IhsanKindness, beneficence; highest level of Iman 5
IhtiramHonour, hold in honour. 5
IhtishamModesty, decency 5
IhtshamStrength. 5
IjliThis was the name of the makes of astrolabes. 5
IkrimahOld Arabic name 5
IlanGood person. 5
IliasA Prophets name (Elijah) 5
IlifatFriendship, kindness, obligation. 5
IlyasA Prophet's name. 5
ImaadPillar of strength, confident. 5
ImadSupport, pillar, confidence. 5
Imad al DinPillar of the faith 5
Imad, ImadSupport, pillar 5
ImamLeader (of prayer or community) 5
ImranA Prophet's name. 5
Imran, ImranLong lived; a Prophets name 5
ImtiazDifferent, antique. 5
ImtiyazMark of distinction or excellence 5
InaamReward, favour, Prize. 5
InamAct of benefaction, bestowal 5


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