
Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with 'L'


Starting With "La"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Lab(4)   Lut(3)   Lai(2)   Laj(1)   Laq(1)   

LabeebUnderstanding, Sensible, Intelligent. 5
LabibSensible, intelligent. 5
Labib, LabeebSensible, intelligent 5
LablabIvy 5
Lahi'ahA narrator of hadith. 5
LaiqDeserving. 5
LaithLion. 5
LajlajOne of prophet's (S.A.W) companions. 5
LaqeetWell known companion of the Prophet (S.A.W). 5
LatifGentle, kind, pleasant, friendly 5
LaythLion 5
LibanSuccesfull, charmed. 5
LimazahHe was a narrator of hadith. 5
LiyaqatWorth, deserving, merit. 5
Lu'ayShield. 5
LuayShield 5
Lubaid, LubaydOld Arabic name 5
LuqmanA Prophets name 6
LutA Prophets name (Lot) 5
LutfBounty, enjoyment. 5
LutfiKind, gentle 5


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