
Muslim Girl Baby Names starting with 'Bas'


Starting With "Ba"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Bas(14)   Bah(10)   Bar(9)   Bad(6)   Buh(5)   

BasaariaBeautiful, Prior 5
BasbasShe was a slave girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodeons voice. 5
BaseemaSmiling 5
BashairGood news, good omens 5
BasheeraBringer of good tidings, Joy 5
BashirahBringer of good tidings, joy. 5
Bashirah, BasheeraBringer of good tidings, joy 5
BasilahBrave 5
BasimahSmiling. 5
Basimah, BaseemaSmiling 5
BasinahKitty, kitten 5
BasmahA smile. 5
Basmah, BasmaA smile 5
BasoosShe was the daughter of Munziq at-Tamimah (A.N). 5


Indian Celebrities Name Starting with Bas