
Muslim Girl Baby Names starting with 'I'


Starting With "Ib"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Ina(6)   Ibt(5)   Isa(4)   Ilh(3)   Izz(3)   

IbaPride, sense 5
IbadahWorship 5
IbthajJoy. 5
IbtihajHappiness 5
Ibtihaj, IbtihaajJoy, delight 5
IbtihalSupplication, prayer 5
IbtisamSmiling 5
IdharFluff 5
IffahPurity, modesty. 5
Iffah, IffatChaste 5
IffatChastity. 5
IfraGiving happiness. 5
IftikarThought, contemplation 5
IftikharPride, glory 5
IjazInimitability of the Quran 5
IjlalRespect, honor 5
IkhlasSincerity 5
IkramHonour, hospitality, generosity. 5
Ikram, IkraamHonor, hospitality, generosity 5
IlhamIntuition, inspiration. 5
Ilham, IlhaamIntuition 5
IlhanRespectfull, nice, precious. 5
IlmSlave girl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name. 5
ImanFaith, belief 5
ImaniFaith, Belief. 5


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