
Muslim Girl Baby Names starting with 'Bar'


Starting With "Ba"

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BaraahInnocence 5
Barakah, BarakaBlessing; white one 5
BareerahPious; The female freed slave of Sayyidina Ayshah (R.A) a well-known female companion, she lived upto the times of Khalifah Yazid bin Muawiyah (R.A). 5
BariahExcelling 5
Bariah, BaraaaExcelling 5
BarikaBloom, be successful 5
BarirahFaithful and devoted 5
BarrahShe was the wunt of the Prophet (S.A.W), daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah (R.A) also the name of the daughter of Abi Tijarah al-Abdariyah who narrated from the Prophet (S.A.W) (A.N 5
BarzahShe was a narrator of hadith. 5


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