
Chines Zodiac Sign - Rooster

Chinese Zodiac

Animal Sign Rooster


Zodiac Sign Rooster Characteristics

Rooster is the representative of confidence and intelligence.

The Perfectionistic Rooster (You)β€” the "I Can Do Better Inspirer"
People born in the Year of the Rooster including 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993,2005, 2017, 2029...

This tenth position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Rooster, is one of attention, observance, and scrutiny. Those souls born into Rooster years learn the lesson of β€œapplication”: the ability to utilize, apply, and practice mundane activities, realizing delayed gratification. Roosters look to future goals, watching their hard work accrue rewards. The Rooster works with great determination, keeping their eyes ever forward on the goal.

Roosters are brave and confident in work and in life. They are hardworking, cautious, and critical. A Rooster doesn’t mince words and can verbally shoot from the hip. Often brilliant, they are at their best in a crowded room, and shine more in company than in intimate situations. The Rooster loves to dream and meditate upon grandiose ideas and philosophies. In Asain tradition, it is said that the Rooster is so resourceful they β€œcan find a worm in a desert!” This explains the continual and restless activity that characterizes this sign. The personality of those born under the sign of the Rooster consists of three levels: appearance, practicality, and strong emotion.

Roosters are generally well-dressed, and an observer is often struck first by their elegant gestures and rich colors. These souls rarely pass unnoticed. Scrupulous about their appearance, a Rooster will become ruffled at others lack of taste, and are never completely satisfied with their own look even though they seem quite self-confident.

The most favorable hours of the day for the Rooster are between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., the last yang hours of the day, when the setting sun radiates its most glorious colors. For the Rooster, who was the first to greet the day, and has been dilligently at work ever since, it is the time to relax and enjoy these pre-evening hours.

Strengths. Confidence,Intelligence.
Weaknesses. They might be enthusiastic about something quickly, but soon might be impassive. They are often a bit eccentric and have difficulty relating with others. They are critical and think they are always right.

How to Find out My Chinese Zodiac?
User can use the zodiac calculator to search for his /her Chinese zodiac animal sign.   Select your Gregorian date of birth, and you'll reveal your date of birth according to the lunar calendar, together with your sign.

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