
Chines Zodiac Sign - Pig

Chinese Zodiac

Animal Sign Pig


Zodiac Sign Pig Characteristics

A pig represents luck, overall good fortune, wealth, honesty, general prosperity, symbolizing a hard working

The Tolerant Pig (Hai)β€” the "Accommodating Pacifist"
The years of the Pig include 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019,2031...

The 12th and last position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Pig, is a gentle-hearted and long-suffering sign. Those souls born into Pig years learn the lesson of β€œresignation”—they have the ability to accept others, and understand that human nature is controlled by fate and that a higher power is at work. The Pig is a wise but passive observer rather than an active participant throughout life. Pigs are highly intelligent, and possess an unique sense of dry humor. However, rarely will they apply their intelligence to gain dominance.

Gentle yet strong of will, those who are born under the sign of the Pig are tolerant, sincere, and honest. Known to be studious and well informed, the Pig chooses few friends, remaining loyal for life. Through the good times, and especially the bad times, you can always count on a Pig to be there. Pigs relish long-standing relationships and are affectionate and openhearted.

Peaceful Pigs recoil from confrontations and have difficulty saying no. The rapidly acquiescing Pig forgives easily and takes blame unduly.

The most favorable time of day for those born into Pig years is between the hours of 9 p.m. and 11 p.m., when the yin force intensifies in strength and families settle in for a sound night of slumber. As the cycle of the day draws to a close, the Pig contemplates the day’s happenings and blissfully dozes off, listening to the quiet voice of their heart.

A pig represents luck, overall good fortune, wealth, honesty, general prosperity, symbolizing a hard working, a peace-loving person, a truthful, generous, indulgent, patient, reliable, trusting, sincere, giving, sociable person with a large sense of humour and understanding.

They are trusting and sometimes naΓ―ve, so they may easily fall in traps. Although they are loyal to friends, they do not have many friends. They are hot-tempered and impulsive.

How to Find out My Chinese Zodiac?
User can use the zodiac calculator to search for his /her Chinese zodiac animal sign.   Select your Gregorian date of birth, and you'll reveal your date of birth according to the lunar calendar, together with your sign.

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