
Vrishabha Rashi Girl Baby Names Page No 3


Vrishabha Rashi Baby Girl Names

Hindu Birth Rashi (Moon Sign) as per vedic astrology.

Vrishabha Girl BABY NAMES

Suggested Letters - B, V, U, W

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

Most popular Vrishabha Rashi Girl baby names starting with 'B, V, U, W'

Urmiwave 5
Urmilawife of Lakshmana 5
Urmila, Urmilwife of Lakshmana - Lord Rama's brother 5
Urmimalagarland of waves 5
Urnacover 5
Urshitafirm 5
Urvashia celestial maiden 5
Urvasimost beautiful of Apsaras 5
Urviearth 5
Ushadawn 5
Ushakiranrays of morning sun 5
Ushashimorning 5
Ushmaeat 5
Usria river 5
Uthamihonest 5
Utpalalotus 5
Utpalinilotus pond 5
Utsaspring 5
Uttaraa star 5
VagdeviGoddess Sarawati 5
Vahiniflowing 5
Vaidehiname of Sita 5
Vaijayantia garland of Lord Vishnu 5
Vaijayantimalaa garland of Lord Vishnu 5
Vaishalian ancient city of India 5