
Mesha Rashi Boy Baby Names Page No 6


Mesha Rashi Baby Boy Names

Hindu Birth Rashi (Moon Sign) as per vedic astrology.


Suggested Letters - A, L, E, I, O

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

Most popular Mesha Rashi Boy baby names starting with 'A, L, E, I, O'

Alam, Aalamthe whole world 5
Alamgirthe lord of the whole world 5
Alhadjoy 5
Alokcry of victory 5
Alokelight 5
Amalbright, clean, pure 5
Amalenduthe unblemished moon 5
Amaleshthe pure one 5
Amanathtreasure 5
Amandaloveable / worthy of love 5
Amarforever, immortal 5
Amartyaimmortal, Amber of the sky 5
Ambarsky 5
Ambarishthe sky 5
Ambujlotus 5
Ameyaboundless, magnanimous 5
Amilinvaluable 5
Amishhonest 5
Amitendless, boundless 5
Amitabhone with boundless splendour 5
Amitabha, Amitavlimitless lustre; name of Lord Buddha 5
Amitavasame as Amitabh 5
Amitbikramlimitless prowess 5
Amiteshinfinite god 5
Amitiyotilimitless brightness 5