
Hindu Girl Baby Names starting with 'I' Page No 2


Starting With "In"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Ind(15)   Ish(9)   Ila(4)   Iks(4)   Ira(3)   

Indukaladigit of the moon 5
Indulalamoon light 5
Indulekshthe moon 5
Indumamoon 5
Indumatithe full moon 5
Indumukhiwith moonlike face 5
Inikalittle earth 5
IniyaSweet 5
InkuraliSweet voice 5
Ipsadesire 5
Ipsitadesired 5
Iraearth; muse 5
Irajadaughter of the wind 5
Iravatithe river Ravi 5
Isaimusic 5
Ishaone who protects 5
Ishanarich 5
IshaniParvati, wife of Lord Shiva 5
Ishanikabelonging to the north east 5
Ishanyanorth east 5
Ishikapaint brush 5
Ishitamastery; wealth 5
Ishrataffection 5
Ishwarigoddess 5
Ivyvine,eternity and fidelity 5


Indian Celebrities Name Starting with I