
Hindu Boy Baby Names starting with 'F'


Starting With "Fa"

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

    Most popular baby names starting with Far(7)   Fan(4)   Faa(3)   Fad(3)   Fai(3)   

Faakhirproud; excellent 5
Faarishorseman; knight 5
Faarooqone who distinguishes truth from falsehood 5
Fadithe redeemer 5
Fadloutstanding; honourable 5
Fadl Ullahexcellence of God 5
Fahadlynx 5
Faisaldecisive 5
Faiyazartistic 5
Faizgain 5
Fakhryhonorary 5
Falakthe sky 5
Falgulovely 5
Falguni, Phalguniborn in Falgun, a Hindu month; Arjun 5
FanibhusanLord Shiva 5
Fanindrathe cosmic serpent Shesh 5
Fanishthe cosmic serpent Shesh 5
Fanishwarlord of serpents, Vasuki 5
Farazequitable 5
Fareedunique 5
Farhadhappiness 5
Farhathappiness 5
Faridwide 5
Farisability to discern, perspicacity 5
Farukh, Farokhpower of discrimination 5


Indian Celebrities Name Starting with F