
Vruschika Rashi Boy Baby Names


Vruschika Rashi Baby Boy Names

Hindu Birth Rashi (Moon Sign) as per vedic astrology.

Vruschika Boy BABY NAMES

Suggested Letters - N, Y

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

Most popular Vruschika Rashi Boy baby names starting with 'N, Y'

Nabarunmorning sun 5
Nabendunew moon 5
Nabhanyueternal 5
Nabhassky 5
Nabhifocus; the best 5
Nabhithfearless 5
Nabhyacentral 5
Nachiketaan ancient rishi, fire 5
Nadalfortunate 5
Nadinlord of rivers 5
Nadirpinnacle 5
Nagarinlord of a town 5
Nagarjunbest among the snakes 5
NagendraSeshnag 5
NageshSeshnag, Cosmic Serpent 5
Nahushaa mythological king 5
Nairitsouth-west 5
NaishadhKing Nala, a hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha 5
Nakshatrastar 5
Nakulname of one of the Pandavas 5
Nalinlotus, water 5
Nalinakshalotus-eyed 5
Namansalutation 5
Namasyubowing 5
Nambiself confident 5