
Kanya Rashi Boy Baby Names Page No 7


Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names

Hindu Birth Rashi (Moon Sign) as per vedic astrology.


Suggested Letters - P, TH

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

Most popular Kanya Rashi Boy baby names starting with 'P, TH'

Praverchief 5
Pravirbrave 5
Prayagconfluence of Ganga-Jamuna-Saraswati 5
Preetishgod of love 5
Premlove 5
Premalfull of love 5
Premanandjoy of love 5
Premendralover 5
Pritamlover 5
Prithubroad, spacious 5
Prithviearth 5
Prithvijajking of the earth 5
Prithvirajking of the earth 5
Priyabeloved 5
Priyabratadevoted to pleasing 5
Priyaranjanbeloved 5
Pugalglory, fame 5
Pugalendhiglorious, admirable 5
Pujitworshipped 5
Pukhrajtopaz 5
Pulakjoy 5
Pulakeshjoyous 5
Pulastyaan ancient 5
Pulinbeautiful 5
Pulishname of a sage 5