
Mesha Rashi Boy Baby Names Page No 12


Mesha Rashi Baby Boy Names

Hindu Birth Rashi (Moon Sign) as per vedic astrology.


Suggested Letters - A, L, E, I, O

Browse by first letter to make that perfect monogram!

Most popular Mesha Rashi Boy baby names starting with 'A, L, E, I, O'

Avanindraking of the earth 5
Avanishgod of the earth 5
Avatarincarnation 5
Avikshitnot see before 5
Avinashindestructible 5
Avkashlimitless space Avatar incarnation 5
Ayoginstitution 5
Ayushmanblessed with long life 5
Ayyapanever youthful 5
Ibhananelephant faced 5
Ibhyapossessor of many attendants 5
IbrahimAbraham; earth 5
Idrisfiery Lord 5
Ihamexpected 5
Ihitprize; honour 5
Ikshusugarcane 5
IlaiyavanYouthful 5
IlamporaiPrince 5
Ilamuruguyoung lord Murugan 5
IlancheliyanFull of youthful potential 5
Ilandevanyoung master 5
IlangoChera Prince who wrote Tamil masterpiece Silappadhikaram 5
IlanthirayanYoung man whose influence extends beyond the seas 5
IlavalaganYoung and handsome 5
IlavarasanPrince 5