
Hindu baby names by Nakshatra and Rasi

Boy Baby Names

Moola Nakshatra Baby Boy Names Starting with

Ye Yo Ba Be

Girl Baby Names

Moola Nakshatra Baby Girl Names Starting with

Ye Yo Ba Be

Baby Birth Star मूल / மூலம் / మూలా

Moola Nakshatra

Hindu Birth Star as per vedic astrology, It is customary in Hinduism, to name their boy and girl babies as per their nakshatra. There are 12 rasi in astrology according to the astrological system in our country. Based on 27 nakshatras, these 12 rasi signs are divided into 12 constellations at the rate of 3 nakshatra per zodiac. Each rasi sign has unique characteristics and qualities. Likewise, each nakshatra has a few properties. According to the astrological system, each nakshatra has four paadhas. Each paadha has a Tamil letter assigned to it. Thus, the baby is named after the first letter of the name of the Moola nakshatra's paadha.

Star NameTamilMalayalam

Moola Nakshatra strengths:

Pathfinder, calm, alluring, courageous, legislative, high living ideals, manipulative, confident, cautious, determined, alert, possess fine narration skills, wealth, education, and spirituality.

Moola Nakshatra weaknesses:

Natives will remain completely anxious, thoughtless, indulgent in extramarital affairs, indecisive, temper, lack in proving a shoulder, unstable in relationships, centered, bigoted, and toxic.

Mool Nakshatra male characteristics:

Male individuals born within Mula Nakshatra are stable. You work upon a set of principles that lead you to your destination and support as guidelines. With continuous enforcement of these principles, you overcome hurdles and obstructions. People reach you for a consultation, but you lack behind exercise the guidance in your life. You appeal towards expertise in various fields of occupation. You have utmost faith in the almighty, which makes you believe all happenings are a blessing of the deity. You are destined to mark your footsteps in foreign lands.

Moola Nakshatra female characteristics:

A female born within Mool Nakshatra dogmatizes management. Bring adamant about little specifications. You are authentic, but your rigid behavior can be destructive.

Choosing a baby name may seem difficult. Here's some inspiration to help you choose the best baby boy and baby girl names by Moola Nakshatra.

Moola Nakshatra Baby Boy Names Moola Nakshatra Baby Girl Names

Moola natchathiram rasi